What You Should Know About Tree Removal
Tree removal is an important undertaking that should be undertaken by experienced professionals. Attempting to do the job yourself is an unwise move, especially when considering the safety implications. For instance, you may not have the equipment necessary to fell a large tree, and you might end up hurting yourself or your family.
To get a sense of how much it will cost you to have a tree removed, you can call a reputable tree service to come and give you an estimate. The fee will depend on the size and height of the tree, as well as the level of work that is involved. Typically, a tree that is between ten and thirty feet tall will cost you around $200, while a tree that is 60 or more feet in length will cost you around $2,000 or more.
If you have a tree that you believe is too close to your house or that has died, you should consider getting it removed. There are a number of reasons why this would be a good idea, including the fact that a dead tree can fall on to your home. A tree that is near power lines is also an obvious concern, and is usually harder to remove.
Depending on the reason for removal, it may be prudent to take steps to improve the area before the task is performed. For example, you can prune branches and use them as mulch. You can also make use of the dead branches by cutting them into pieces and using them as firewood.
Another interesting concept is the stump. Normally, this is left behind after the tree is removed, but it’s possible to have it removed as well. This process will cost you additional fees, but it can be the best solution to a problem if the trunk is severely decayed.
Some homeowners try to tackle the task themselves, though it’s often more difficult than you might think. Small trees are easier to handle. They can be safely cut with a handsaw, but a chainsaw is necessary for bigger sized trees. Once the tree is cut down, you might be left with a stump that will need to be handled.
It’s always a good idea to ask your tree removal company about the safety measures they will take while performing the task. One of the most advisable things to do is to contact your insurance provider before the work is done. In some cases, you might be able to get the money reimbursed through a bond issuer.
Before you start the tree removal process, you should consider the following: How large are the branches? What is the diameter of the tree trunk? Can you remove the tree in one piece? Where is the most accessible place to remove the tree?
Using the best possible tools and equipment will also help. Consider the use of a bucket truck, or the hire of a crane to remove a large branch.